
Why I Clean My Smartphone Every Day?

  • 2019-12-06 15:12:18

In daily life, I clean my smartphone once or twice a day. Wipe the surface of the phone or use a mobile phone sterilizer. My friends often ask me: Why clean the smartphone every day?

The environment we live is not a germ-free room, but a giant germs petri dish. Everything you and I come to touch every day is full of bacteria. But fortunately, most of them are harmless to the human body. However, there will still be some microorganisms, like Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli, as well as pathogens that come from patients or other sources, which may threaten people's health.

As people use mobile phones more and more frequently, mobile phones have become a "vehicle that can effectively transfer infectious organisms" around you. With frequent use, it collects the bacteria that your hands bring back from various places every day. For example, from the greasy subway handles, or the coins or the person who shakes hands with you. If you have the habit of using your phone during meals or sharing it with your family in daily life, these foreign bacteria may spread again through your phone and hands, and enter your and family's bodies through mouth or wound, destroying health. Especially for young children or the aged, the threat is more serious.

Therefore, cleaning the phone often is a good habit for health. This habit can help you and your families better protect against harmful foreign bacteria. How often you need to clean your phone depends on your habits and environment. If you go to more places or touch more people, you might need to clean phones more often. For example, cleaning your phone once or twice a day.

Usually, people are accustomed to clean mobile phones with liquid disinfectants such as disinfection sprays, but this is easy for the disinfectant to enter the charging port and headphone port and cause damage to the device. In order to avoid harming the phone, Apple and other phone brands recommend to turn off the phone when disinfecting it with disinfectant or using a special electronic phone UV sterilizer box. I would prefer to use a UV cell phone sanitizer and charger which can disinfect the phone and charge it at the same time. In this way, it is easy for me to clean my phone while charging every day.

Cell Phone Sanitizer

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